Inventorying Government Equipment

The office of Property Accounting maintains the University Inventory System, a database containing information on each item valued over $5000 and certain computer items such as laptops, desktop workstations, and tablets. The following information is maintained on the inventory database for each item of equipment:

  • UNM asset identification number (per property tag)
  • name or description of item
  • manufacturer, model number, and serial number
  • condition of the item
  • reference number, index number used for purchase, and grant number if applicable
  • department name, org code and location where equipment is assigned
  • acquisition and assigned date to current department (if different)
  • purchase cost, depreciation and net book value
  • government code (designates government-owned equipment)
  • source of acquisition
  • memo field for notes to asset
  • disposition record
  • National Stock #, if applicable
  • Unique Item Identifier, if applicable

The information in Banner becomes an integral part of the inventory database.

For Government Furnished Property, the code “GF” will be used as the Acquisition Method to indicate Government Furnished Equipment. Also, the “Title to” will indicate “FG”, which means Federal Government. Government Furnished Equipment does not depreciate.

The office of Inventory Control forwards to the department a report identifying specific item(s) as having been recently acquired by the department. Property tags are included with the report and the department is responsible for placing the tags on the item(s) in a location that is easily identifiable. The report must be completed by the department and returned to the office of Inventory Control within two weeks after receipt of the report. The report will supply them with required information, such as location of equipment and serial numbers that will assist in maintaining accurate inventory records.