Annual Inventory Schedules per Fiscal Year
Each ORG will have a two-month period to complete their annual inventory. Before the annual inventory starts, each Inventory Contact (IC) with an ORG that has assets over $5,000 or has drones of any value, will receive an email to verify the ORG numbers that they are responsible for as well as to confirm the IC and Dean/Director Contact (DDC) of that ORG is also correct. Please see the below schedule for this year’s annual inventory.
On the Start Date, the annual inventory conversation will appear in the Inventory Assistant (Apptree) listing the equipment to be verified.
The Inventory Assistant will be the environment for all inventory work; Location/Condition Code/Memo/Serial Number updates as well as Surplus, Deletions, Transfers, and Checkouts/Check-ins.
All Years
Wave Presentation
This is the most recent version of our presentation. Check back for any changes to policy or procedure. Presentation